Most Americans consider this weekend the "official kick-off" of summer. We get to enjoy our freedom and liberty as we grill brats and burgers, take time with family and friends and, more often than not, take advantage of the blessings we have here in the great US of A.
Make sure to take time this weekend to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Remember our founding fathers and the sacrifices they made. Remember friends and family who may have served in past wars. Remember that freedom and liberty never is free. It comes at a cost.
So thank a veteran. Visit a cemetery and ponder the price of your freedom and liberty. And make sure to thank God for the freedom we have and enjoy.
God's blessings and gave a great day!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Obama on Credit Card Counseling
Argggghhhhh! Do you ever just want to pull your hair out with what's going on in the Nobama Nation? Honestly, I couldn't believe my ears this afternoon. I was having my daughter's Chevy repaired in what is now GM (Government Motors) wondering how long it will take before the Obama "Hope" logo appears in all these dealerships. I was also wondering how long this profitable dealership would stay open since the Govt. seems to be closing down the profitable ones thus forcing owners to lay off people (Obama's way of job creation) and forcing owners' families into bankruptcy (economic stimulus for who?). The Govt. runs a business as efficiently as they do Social Security.
As I was passing the time away in the waiting room I thought I'd flip to the Fox News Channel. Who should appear but the "Commander as Thief" getting ready to sign into law the new bill concerning credit card companies' relationships with those who use them. I don't like credit cards. I believe they're evil. Everyone should stay away from them. No good comes from getting into debt. However, there's Nobama telling the world that he doesn't advocate getting into debt; that people should spend responsibly and that Americans should live within their means.
Hmmmm. Does something not sound right here? Is there any common sense in Washington? Does the head resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. ever really listen to what comes out of his own mouth? If only he would practice what he preaches then our country wouldn't be TRILLIONS in debt because of reckless spending and not binding the Govt. to live within its means. My "hope" is that the President recorded his speech on TiVo so that he can LISTEN to what he said, and then practice what he preached to the nation!
Folks, common sense begins at home. Common sense begins with us. Let your voice be heard. Continue to contact your elected officials and let them know that they work for us. We don't work for them and we should not be shackled by their irresponsible spending.
But most importantly, this is Memorial Day weekend. Take time to say a prayer of thanksgiving for the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can have the freedom we have here in America. Despite the foolishness going on in Washington, this is still the best country to live in on earth. God has truly blessed us in many ways, so take time to thank God as well.
God's blessings and have a great Memorial Day!
As I was passing the time away in the waiting room I thought I'd flip to the Fox News Channel. Who should appear but the "Commander as Thief" getting ready to sign into law the new bill concerning credit card companies' relationships with those who use them. I don't like credit cards. I believe they're evil. Everyone should stay away from them. No good comes from getting into debt. However, there's Nobama telling the world that he doesn't advocate getting into debt; that people should spend responsibly and that Americans should live within their means.
Hmmmm. Does something not sound right here? Is there any common sense in Washington? Does the head resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. ever really listen to what comes out of his own mouth? If only he would practice what he preaches then our country wouldn't be TRILLIONS in debt because of reckless spending and not binding the Govt. to live within its means. My "hope" is that the President recorded his speech on TiVo so that he can LISTEN to what he said, and then practice what he preached to the nation!
Folks, common sense begins at home. Common sense begins with us. Let your voice be heard. Continue to contact your elected officials and let them know that they work for us. We don't work for them and we should not be shackled by their irresponsible spending.
But most importantly, this is Memorial Day weekend. Take time to say a prayer of thanksgiving for the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can have the freedom we have here in America. Despite the foolishness going on in Washington, this is still the best country to live in on earth. God has truly blessed us in many ways, so take time to thank God as well.
God's blessings and have a great Memorial Day!
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Living Dead? It's More Than Just a Movie!
What do Chicago politics and Nobama's Stimulus package have in common? Well, yes, there's Nobama who's from Illinois and practices Chicago style politics. But the other thing they have in common is that dead people suddenly come alive! It's a miracle, but what else would one expect from this messiah? (I know and believe that Messiah came 2000 years ago. We have the Messiah Who has done a great job. There's no need for another one.)
Yes, dead people vote in Chicago, and sometimes they vote over and over and over again. But the latest in Nobamanomics is that dead people are receiving Stimulus checks. Yes, you heard me correctly. The dead are receiving checks and YOU'RE paying for them. Maybe the instant influx of "wealth" is what will stimulate them back to life? Hmmm. I don't think so, but you can read about it here.
Where's the oversight? Where's the accountability? Where's the common sense in Washington?! Aren't these the same people who don't know where $350 BILLION from TARP 1 disappeared to? Aren't these the same people who are running Social Security and Medicade into the ground? Aren't these the same people who bail out auto companies and banks only to have to bail them out again and again because their initial calculations were off a little bit? "Oh, there's no way to know how much they need!" Yeah, right! Why not get it right BEFORE you spend our money. Better yet, why doesn't the Government just let us have our own money to do with what we think is best?
This is America. Americans know how to spend their hard earned dollars in the best interest of their families and for those in need. We're a giving nation, more so than any other nation in world. So, rather than paying dead people, why doesn't the Govt. simply stop this non-sense? It takes common sense. That's not a commodity in huge supply in Washington these days. But you, the American Citizen, - you still have common sense. Contact your representatives in Washington. Remind them that they work for YOU. They're accountable to US, and not the other way around. Click here to find out who your Congressional Represtatives are, and then write them and call them. Let your voice be heard. After all, if they're listening to dead people, then they should hear us LOUD AND CLEAR!
God's blessings and have a great day!
Yes, dead people vote in Chicago, and sometimes they vote over and over and over again. But the latest in Nobamanomics is that dead people are receiving Stimulus checks. Yes, you heard me correctly. The dead are receiving checks and YOU'RE paying for them. Maybe the instant influx of "wealth" is what will stimulate them back to life? Hmmm. I don't think so, but you can read about it here.
Where's the oversight? Where's the accountability? Where's the common sense in Washington?! Aren't these the same people who don't know where $350 BILLION from TARP 1 disappeared to? Aren't these the same people who are running Social Security and Medicade into the ground? Aren't these the same people who bail out auto companies and banks only to have to bail them out again and again because their initial calculations were off a little bit? "Oh, there's no way to know how much they need!" Yeah, right! Why not get it right BEFORE you spend our money. Better yet, why doesn't the Government just let us have our own money to do with what we think is best?
This is America. Americans know how to spend their hard earned dollars in the best interest of their families and for those in need. We're a giving nation, more so than any other nation in world. So, rather than paying dead people, why doesn't the Govt. simply stop this non-sense? It takes common sense. That's not a commodity in huge supply in Washington these days. But you, the American Citizen, - you still have common sense. Contact your representatives in Washington. Remind them that they work for YOU. They're accountable to US, and not the other way around. Click here to find out who your Congressional Represtatives are, and then write them and call them. Let your voice be heard. After all, if they're listening to dead people, then they should hear us LOUD AND CLEAR!
God's blessings and have a great day!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
California, Wake Up & Smell the Oil!
I happen to love California. I've got relatives who live in the Bay area, and I would travel the state twice a year from Redding to San Diego. California is filled with beauty; from the mountains to the central valley, and from the cement jungles to the Napa Valley, California seems to have it all.
They also seem to have quite a fruity political makeup, which seems to me to be a HUGE part of their financial demise. This morning I read that Gov. Schwarzenegger is looking to sell some property in order to deal with the state's massive deficit (See Santa Cruz Sentinel). San Quentin will be up for grabs as well as the Los Angeles Collessium. Why sell these for a temporary fix to a massive deficit when this state, filled with resources, also has a ton of oil right off the coast? Imagine drilling just a few miles off shore tapping into a resource that could solve California's financial struggle while at the same time the "collective whole" of the USA would benefit. Imagine lower gas prices at $1.50 or less! Imagine California strengthening its financial base. Imagine lower gas prices nationwide, which would lower prices on luxury consumer goods such as food and clothing. Imagine all that and more.
DRILL HERE AND DRILL NOW! That's the wake up call. I'm all for the environment, but there's also a balance that needs to be weighed with human need - responsibility to the people of the USA - and the minimal risk to the environment. American ingenuity has made us the greatest nation in history. We have the technology and skill to make offshore drilling, which is already safe, even safer. However, the government must get out of the way.
It's just common sense that California should drill in order to make that state stronger and less dependent on the federal government, to help out Californians, and to help out America as a whole. Common sense! Californians, tell your representatives that you want them to use common sense. I know that you have some real nuts in office; Boxer, Pelosi & Feinstien to mention a few. Remember, elected officials work for US. We need to remind them of that fact. Give them a call. Write them a letter. Click here to find out the names of your US Senators and Representatives.
It's just common sense. Let your voice be heard.
God's blessings and have a great day!
They also seem to have quite a fruity political makeup, which seems to me to be a HUGE part of their financial demise. This morning I read that Gov. Schwarzenegger is looking to sell some property in order to deal with the state's massive deficit (See Santa Cruz Sentinel). San Quentin will be up for grabs as well as the Los Angeles Collessium. Why sell these for a temporary fix to a massive deficit when this state, filled with resources, also has a ton of oil right off the coast? Imagine drilling just a few miles off shore tapping into a resource that could solve California's financial struggle while at the same time the "collective whole" of the USA would benefit. Imagine lower gas prices at $1.50 or less! Imagine California strengthening its financial base. Imagine lower gas prices nationwide, which would lower prices on luxury consumer goods such as food and clothing. Imagine all that and more.
DRILL HERE AND DRILL NOW! That's the wake up call. I'm all for the environment, but there's also a balance that needs to be weighed with human need - responsibility to the people of the USA - and the minimal risk to the environment. American ingenuity has made us the greatest nation in history. We have the technology and skill to make offshore drilling, which is already safe, even safer. However, the government must get out of the way.
It's just common sense that California should drill in order to make that state stronger and less dependent on the federal government, to help out Californians, and to help out America as a whole. Common sense! Californians, tell your representatives that you want them to use common sense. I know that you have some real nuts in office; Boxer, Pelosi & Feinstien to mention a few. Remember, elected officials work for US. We need to remind them of that fact. Give them a call. Write them a letter. Click here to find out the names of your US Senators and Representatives.
It's just common sense. Let your voice be heard.
God's blessings and have a great day!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Health Care by Taxing All the Goodies!
Should we even be surprised at what the Obamanation wants to do? I mean really; now they want to increase taxes on cigarettes and beer AGAIN! Never mind that the $.60/pack increase on tax in April was the BIGGEST EVER tax on cigarettes since the Govt. began taxing smokes. That increase was more than all the previous taxes combined! But should we be surprised? After all, Obamanomics is teaching us something new - "Do it big and bold while we can!"
But I thought that Nobama was going to do things differently in the Obamanation? He promised - promised unequivocaly - that he wasn't going to raise taxes on the little people who live in the Obamanation. And yet, statistically a higher percentage of lower income people smoke than do those in the higher income. Hmmm. Sounds like a tax increase on lower income people to me, doesn't it?
Now they want to keep that "no tax increase on the lower income people" tax increase going by once again increasing taxes on the "little people" & "the big bad high income earners." To pay for the "free health care" our leaders are targeting beer & cigs once again (go figure). But now they want to add into the mix soda and chips. That's going to make going to the ball park more expensive, and tailgating at Packer and Brewer games (or whatever your favorite home team is). And what about the SuperBowl parties? Are we going to have to charge our friends so that we can afford to have that free health care?
And if THAT weren't enough, another aspect of paying for the Govt's Free Health Care is to TAX the health care benefits employees receive from their employers! What an incentive for people to keep their private insurance - tax it so that the rest of the country can get theirs "free" (which is NEVER free). Check out POLITICO's article: Smokers, Drinkers Carry Tax. Folks, it's common sense; there's no such thing as a free lunch - or "Free Health Care"!
But I still believe in the American way, and I still am optimistic because of the American Spirit. Contact your senators and congressmen. Keep calling them and writing them. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! Remember, THEY WORK FOR YOU! That's just common sense and that's the American Way.
God's blessings and have an awesome day!
But I thought that Nobama was going to do things differently in the Obamanation? He promised - promised unequivocaly - that he wasn't going to raise taxes on the little people who live in the Obamanation. And yet, statistically a higher percentage of lower income people smoke than do those in the higher income. Hmmm. Sounds like a tax increase on lower income people to me, doesn't it?
Now they want to keep that "no tax increase on the lower income people" tax increase going by once again increasing taxes on the "little people" & "the big bad high income earners." To pay for the "free health care" our leaders are targeting beer & cigs once again (go figure). But now they want to add into the mix soda and chips. That's going to make going to the ball park more expensive, and tailgating at Packer and Brewer games (or whatever your favorite home team is). And what about the SuperBowl parties? Are we going to have to charge our friends so that we can afford to have that free health care?
And if THAT weren't enough, another aspect of paying for the Govt's Free Health Care is to TAX the health care benefits employees receive from their employers! What an incentive for people to keep their private insurance - tax it so that the rest of the country can get theirs "free" (which is NEVER free). Check out POLITICO's article: Smokers, Drinkers Carry Tax. Folks, it's common sense; there's no such thing as a free lunch - or "Free Health Care"!
But I still believe in the American way, and I still am optimistic because of the American Spirit. Contact your senators and congressmen. Keep calling them and writing them. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! Remember, THEY WORK FOR YOU! That's just common sense and that's the American Way.
God's blessings and have an awesome day!
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