Thursday, July 16, 2009
Obamacare & Unalienable Rights
Have you seen the proposed health care bill by the Democrats? It's a paltry 1,018 pages. Just light reading if you've got nothing else to do, however, this should be mandatory reading for every elected official who's required to vote on it! And if any elected official worth his or her weight in salt would actually read the thing, there's no way they could vote for it - not if they're a REAL American who believes in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
You don't even need to get past page 16 of the Bill to find out that owning private health care will be outlawed. Oh, there's that grandfather clause, which states that you can keep your current health care if you like it. I think that's what Nobama was referring to when he said on the ABC Informercial and elsewhere that "you can keep your current plan if you want to." Sure! Great! But if a person changes jobs or wants to change insurance after the Govt. plan goes into effect, then you're up a creek without a paddle. There will be NO CHOICE in the matter. Well, that sounds American, doesn't it?
And once the Govt. plan becomes law, then there's no way to actually purchase private insurance. It will be outlawed. How's that for the American way. It's like the old days where when choosing the color of your phone you had a choice - as long as it was the color black. Likewise, we'll have a choice - The Govt. plan. So, where's the 'Liberty' part of the Declaration here? It's being stripped away!
And how about paying for abortions with public funding? This puts salt in an already festering wound for the American people. As America grows increasingly against abortion the Govt. under Nobama in Obamaland increases funding for abortions. Most reasonable people know that babies come from mommies' tummies. Ask any child about the 'lump' in pregnant woman's stomach and they'll tell you that there's a baby in there. Gee, if children get it why can't the elected officials get it? Nevertheless, they're in charge and we have to deal with them like the little children they are! Do you really want to fund abortions for people who make the choice to have sex but then don't want to take responsibility for their actions? And to make matters worse, we the American tax payer are paying for murder. So, where's the 'Life' part of the Declaration here? It's being stripped away!
And what about the rationing and denying of health measures that can lead to a better quality and quantity of life? Sure, under the Govt. plan Nobama and Pelosi have promised the American people that these sorts of things will not come to pass; that what we're hearing from Canada and Europe (people being denied cancer treatments that can save lives; nine month waiting lists for arthritis medicine; months waiting periods for maternity beds, and the list goes on) will never happen here. Can we believe them? Weren't we promised that the after the massive Stimulus package was passed that unemployment would not exceed 8%? Where are we now? Over 9% and still growing. And now the Govt. is talking about yet ANOTHER Stimulus plan because the other one wasn't big enough.
How will all this bigger government and increased spending get paid for? You guessed it - increased taxes on the very people who provide the jobs we need; small business and the wealthy. Obamacare will be a HUGE detriment to the growth of the economy and will most likely be the death knell for the America we know and love. So, where's the 'pursuit of Happiness' part of the Declaration? It's being stripped away!
The Silent Majority can be Silent No More! Obamacare goes against the Declaration of Independece on the most basic levels. Let's get out of our comfort zones. Call your congressional representatives. Call your senators. Tell them to read the bill COMPLETELY before voting on it or DON'T VOTE FOR IT! That's just common sense. Tell them and remind them that they work for you - you're the one they're supposed to represent and not their own interests or the interests of lobbyists. Call, write and visit their local offices if they have one. You're not pestering them. You're doing your duty to protect America. But time is running out! Pelosi and Reid want Obamacare passed before their August recess. That's only WEEKS away.
Use your common sense and American rights. Be silent no more!
God's blessings.
Friday, July 10, 2009
NEA is About Power - Children Are Secondary
Watch the 2 minute version here.
Watch the full 25 minute version here.
General Counsel Bob Chanin explains to the NEA Convention what they're really all about.
"The NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of million of dollars in dues each year because they believe that we are the unions that can most effectively represent them; the union that can protect their rights and advance their interests as education employees.
This is not to say that the concern of NEA and its affiliates with closing achievement gaps, reducing drop rate rates, improving teacher quality, and the like are unimportant or inappropriate. To the contrary these are the goals that guide the work we do. But they need not and must not be achieved at the expense of due process, employee rights, or collective bargaining.
That is simply too high a price to pay."
Closing achievement gaps, reducing drop rates, improving teacher quality and the like should be the goal. Period! If they were really about education then they would take a look at what the private sector does to educate children. If the NEA were really serious about our children's education then they would model the public schools after private schools who are able to better educate children at HALF the cost. But the NEA is not about education. It's all about power and money.
Something has to be done about unions that have seen their day and the NEA is one that shouldn't have even seen the light of day. American Patriots need to be involved at the local level because we're the ones who really care about our own children and grandchildren. No one cares more about them than blood relatives. That's the way to be most effective because the local and state levels are the ones who feed the national level - or the 'N' of the NEA.
Hey, take a look at states who are having budget problems. What is one of the largest items in the budget? Probably education, right? And another one is Medicaid. These two "untouchable" budget items within every state tie up a considerable amount money. And yet there are better, more efficient ways to better educate our country's children, and give them a more conservative education as well! Why can't they simply make cuts to the education part of the budget and educate the children better at half the cost? Well, that would mean a loss of power and dollars to the NEA, wouldn't it? And if you follow the money, then that means less for the Obamameister. They backed him big time and he owes them big time.
But common sense says that we can work at the local level. We need to remind our state officials that they work for us. We don't work for them. They need to stand up to the unions rather than go to bed with them. Card check cannot be passed because this will eventually be used within every union, including the NEA, if we don't stop it now.
For those who are active - good! - keep up the good fight. Remember, we're doing this for our children and grandchildren so that they can grow up in same kind of country we did. For those who are thinking about getting active - don't think to long! - we're running out of time. The current Obama administration is moving swiftly in many different areas. Contact your state representatives and keep doing it over and over again until they either listen or receive their walking papers.
The Silent Majority is Silent No More. Let Your Voice Be Heard as We Use Our Common Sense!
God's blessings and have a great day!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Organize & Fight for Freedom! NOW!
This is the time to fight - NOW! Obama is on the loose and we have to organize! There's no time to learn how to do it. The best way to learn is simply on the job training.
Obama is using the playbook taken right out of "Rules For Radicals". He's coming at America with everything he's got with no regard to American Freedom and Liberty. He wants power and he's on the move for power grab. If you haven't figured out yet, then connect the dots. He's trying to ram as much through as quickly as possible in order to knock America off her heels as he comes at American citizens from all sides. He probably knows that he can't get everything through, but by creating so many fires and coming at us from every which way, it makes it hard for American Patriots to keep track of all his bullets.
To be sure, it's hard for the common Patriot to keep track of every bill and every move that Pelosi, Reid and Obama are making. But let's play by their rules! Organize, organize, organize!
Are there a lot of things coming at us? Consider the hate crimes bill, which will muzzle religious leaders from preaching Biblical truths, or other basic teachings in monotheistic religions; the attacks on the second amendment; Cap and Trade (Crap and Tax) Bill that Pelosi is pushing through; ObamaCare; Obamaworld's newest power grab as he wants to put America's water supply under government control; ACORN, or whatever their new name is; the 2010 census; and the list goes on. Is it any wonder that we can't keep track of everything on our own? So let's divide and conquer!
Get your groups together and sit down with Levin's book "Liberty and Tyranny". It's an easy read and very informative and helpful. At the end of his book "The Great One", Levin, lists about 12 areas and action plans. Sit down with your groups and organize. Assign tasks and watch groups centered around an action plan. Charge each group to work on that area and keep track of what's specifically going on in that area and then relay what needs to be done by the other groups. Keep focused on what needs to be done. Use your Tea Party or 9-12 or We Surround Them groups as your main base for your military operations. Fight within the law and within the Constitutional rights granted us by the Creator and our Founding Fathers.
Get study groups together and go through The 5000 Year Leap. Get informed and bring the kids in on this too. You KNOW they're not learning any of this in public schools!
We don't have to be experts on everything. We need only get good at a couple of things and let our fellow Patriots get good at their areas of responsibility. In this way we American Patriots can organize a united front against the tyranny that's going on in America. Encourage those who are still on the side lines to open their eyes and see what's happening because their freedom and liberty is being stolen at a rapid pace.
Obama's plan is to confuse as many people as possible in the hopes that he can maybe walk away with completing 80% of his agenda. We can't afford 80%, 20% or even ONE of his plans. He's already piled on a ton of debt on our children and grandchildren. This is flat out robbery and immoral. And that's not even considering what he's doing to the rest of the world!
This is common sense folks! Create a United Front. We can do it, but we have to do it now!
God's blessings, and God Bless America!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Just Say 'NO' to Nobamacare!
I had to wonder how spontaneous the questions were because Diane Sawyer and the cameras were at the right location at the right time every time. Was this just a matter of Lady Luck, or were these questions pre-selected and planted? And given the history of Nobama's articulateness while thinking and talking off the cuff, I can't help but think that the President didn't know about these questions ahead of time, because his responses were smooth and absent of his 'uhms' and 'ahs' that are so typical when he speaks without being prepped or without Mr. Teleprompter. In addition, there were NO follow up questions or rebuttal allowed, and you could see on the faces of the audience the desire for follow up. In particular, it seemed to me that the president of Aetna and the president of the American Medical Association certainly had more to say.
Dr. Obama casually mentioned health care for children and the need for children to be covered. I'm certainly for all that, however, he left the audience with the impression that what the government is currently doing has support from the American public. Isn't that program called CHIPS? And didn't the child-hating, evil President Bush veto an increase in funding this program two times? Hmmm. Maybe because it costs to much because of inefficiency. But what we didn't hear from Nobama is that he slipped increase funding into one of the stimulus bills as an earmark - one of the massive bills passed that no one was able to read before they voted on it. And what about the Universal Health Care for Children in Hawaii? Do you know about that? Hawaii, a state about as far left as you can get had a government run plan for free health care for children. But as the saying goes, there's no such thing as a free lunch, which is precisely what Hawaii found out. Once this plan was introduced people who were paying for health care dropped out of the private sector insurance to opt in for the government run program. That wasn't supposed to happen, but it did. And after only 7 months Hawaii had to discontinue the program because the government couldn't afford it.
Was this brought up at all in the infomercial? No. Do the words 'the government is out of money' and 'that's not supposed to happen that way' sound familiar with this administration? In fact, it's just the opposite. Dr. Nobama constantly says that if you're happy with your current plan you can keep it. But he never deals with human nature who would like to get something for nothing.
Dr. Nobama's ire was up when he talked about the CBO (Congressional Budget Office). This is a non-partisan group who crunches numbers based on the information they have and they try to come up with realistic forecasts of costs of government programs. Accountant Nobama doesn't like their numbers because it doesn't agree with what he wants the public to hear. He claims that the CBO isn't giving him credit for the money he'll save from Medicare and Medicaid and some of the other proposed 'savings' he has planned. Boy, this sure sounds like something out of Obamaworld with regard to 'jobs saved'. How do you measure what jobs are 'saved' when more people are getting laid off every week? Obama's savings plan is one that we can live without. In fact, our health and wallets would be far better off.
Hmmmm. Just takes some common sense to put 2 + 2 together. There's no free lunch! The American people on every level will pay for this government plan.
But one of the things that was most disturbing was Dr. Nobama's response to end of life care. He said that as a culture and society we must make decisions for ourselves concerning end of life. In the 'system' - code word for socialized medicine - decisions will have to be made to see what will help and what will not. Dr. Nobama said that there might be a point where the patient would be better off without the surgery and to simply take pain pills. Well, which government paid doctors will make that decision? What will be the criterion upon which those decisions are made? And will the medicine be available, or will there be a waiting line for Mom & Dad, Grandma and Grandpa to painfully wait in while they're waiting for the back order of drugs to arrive. This is what's happening in England and Canada.
And what about euthanasia at end of life? Who will make that decision about our elderly family? Will it be a doctor who is pro-life? The doctors' worldview and approach to when life begins and the sanctity of life is vitally important in decision making. None of this was specifically addressed, but reading between the lines and given Obama's record on the sanctity of life this will mean early death for many.
Why can't the government simply focus on the 15% of Americans that don't have health insurance and leave the other 85% alone? Why can't the government let the private insurance companies work out the problem among themselves while the government works on the 15%? That should cost a whole lot less that what Accountant Dr. Obama will propose and the bill Nurse Pelosi will write and ram through the House.
Freedom loving Patriots, there's no free lunch. And this is dangerous. Call your US Reps and Senators. Tell them you want bipartisanship on health care reform. Let them know that you want the liberty and freedom to make your own choices. Sign the petition. Stay informed America. This is your right. This is your liberty. This is your freedom. It's all about common sense and exercising your freedoms.
The Silent Majority is Silent No More.
God's blessings.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
No Media Bias? Open Your Eyes With This!
But let's just say for the sake of argument that the MSM was fair and balanced in their reporting and shows no partiality (I'm gagging as I write this statement). And let's just say that they're not in bed with Nobama and the Obamaland Comrades who march us to socialism. Let's just give them that for the sake of argument. With that said, did you see what ABC News announced and the copulation that's going to take place with the White House? Beginning June 24 ABC News will be anchored from inside the Blue Room in the White House. Well, since they're "doing it" already ABC News might as well shack up with the Prez in his domicile. Michelle, move over! The MSM has made regular trips to your bedroom anyway. They might as well move in and save some of the steps.
What will ABC News (Avid Barack Concubine News) promote for her lover's agenda? Well, government run health care, of course. And anyone who thinks that they'll receive the "whole story" from ABC's series, "Prescription for America", truly has eyes but they do not see. They're going to say all the sweet stuff about how everyone needs to have health care. And if you have ears then listen for the scare tactics they'll use to create fear in those who watch the broadcasts. Will ABC News report that only 15% of Americans do NOT have health care? Will they mention anything that about the fact that 85% of country will be turned over for the few? Will they mention that the same system in Canada and England has failed miserably and that they wish they had what America has right now? We need to work toward helping the few but not at the expense of 85% of America.
Well, the Republicans would also like equal airtime and access, but do you think the White House granted it? Apparently President "American Gigolo" knows that the American people are waking up to his rhetoric. And since the MSM has already sold her soul to the devil, the Gigolo will dip deeper into ABC's well to see if there's any soul left to claim. What will he find? He owns it all already.
But now that these two have become one - well America, all I can say is that this is frightening! Marriage is great for a man and a woman, but it's dangerous for the "press" and politics. It doesn't make sense.
A lot of people are daily waking up to what Nobama and his concubines are doing. Talk to your friends, your family members and those around the water cooler and tell them what's really at stake here: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press and our own personal freedoms and liberties. Contact ABC News and tell them that this is wrong, and that by doing so they've compromised journalistic principles. And educate yourself on what's going on in the media. Bernie Goldberg's "A Slobbering Love Affair" is an easy, contemporary read about how the media has sold its soul and lost its journalistic moorings. And Ann Coulter's "Treason" gives an excellent history of the media's progression in progressive/liberal journalism beginning in the 1930s or so.
The mainstream media must remain detatched from what they report. That's the only way to remain unbiased. When one moves in with the other then fair and balanced reporting is out the window and we Americans are the ones whose freedom and liberties hang in the balance. Hmmm. That makes sense to me. Keep your eyes and ears open and your common sense turned on.
God's blessings and have a great day!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Real Hope for Change? YES! Americans Have Common Sense!
And guess when the increase in conservative identity occurred? If you guessed since 2008 you win the prize. Hmmm, what happened in 2008? Oh yea. That's right. That's when the Republicans got a spanking -again! There seems to be a renaissance happening as people are waking up to what Obamaland is all about. Life in Obamaland is anything but free. The Constitution is being trampled on and trashed. The unalienable rights bestowed by the Creator are being stripped away at a much more noticeable and rapid pace. Could this be because the Creator is being stripped from the American culture and family fabric thanks to the NEA and public school indoctrination? Once God is removed the vaccuum has to be filled and Big Government is right there filling the void and taking the place of God. And where God can be merciful Big Government is ruthless.
But Americans' eyes are being opened and their ears tuned to the real rhetoric of the Obama administration. And they don't like what they see or hear. So there seems to be REAL HOPE for REAL CHANGE once again, but we must fight for that freedom. However, there's no time to waste. We must remain politcally active continually calling our US Senators and Representatives and let them know that we want our freedoms, our liberties and smaller government. Let them know that we want to keep our freedom of speech for ALL people. Let them know that you're watching them and that you'll vote accordingly when their time is up. Let them know that we don't want health care that will break the bank and plans that ration or even deny care to people who need it. Don't be blinded by the statist and progressive rhetoric.
But there's something just as important that we need to do if we're ever going to get a solid footing and sanity restored in the Great Land of the USA. We need to educate our children and our children's children on the benefits and freedoms that come from conservative beliefs. This begins around the dinner table, and when you're walking at night, or playing with the kids. Use every opportunity to teach them what it really means to be a free American; where individuals keep what they work hard for but that we also give generously to those who are in need. America is the most giving country in the world! But our kids won't learn that from the mainstream media. We need to teach them and show them by example. And we need to begin NOW because the 18-29 year old group is more moderate than conservative or liberal. And this is the age group that will begin to have families as well!
President Reagan said that we are only one generation away from losing our freedom. Let's keep that freedom of our founding fathers going for a thousand generations to come!
Hmmm. It's just using common sense!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Memorial Day is a Day For Thanks
Make sure to take time this weekend to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Remember our founding fathers and the sacrifices they made. Remember friends and family who may have served in past wars. Remember that freedom and liberty never is free. It comes at a cost.
So thank a veteran. Visit a cemetery and ponder the price of your freedom and liberty. And make sure to thank God for the freedom we have and enjoy.
God's blessings and gave a great day!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Obama on Credit Card Counseling
As I was passing the time away in the waiting room I thought I'd flip to the Fox News Channel. Who should appear but the "Commander as Thief" getting ready to sign into law the new bill concerning credit card companies' relationships with those who use them. I don't like credit cards. I believe they're evil. Everyone should stay away from them. No good comes from getting into debt. However, there's Nobama telling the world that he doesn't advocate getting into debt; that people should spend responsibly and that Americans should live within their means.
Hmmmm. Does something not sound right here? Is there any common sense in Washington? Does the head resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. ever really listen to what comes out of his own mouth? If only he would practice what he preaches then our country wouldn't be TRILLIONS in debt because of reckless spending and not binding the Govt. to live within its means. My "hope" is that the President recorded his speech on TiVo so that he can LISTEN to what he said, and then practice what he preached to the nation!
Folks, common sense begins at home. Common sense begins with us. Let your voice be heard. Continue to contact your elected officials and let them know that they work for us. We don't work for them and we should not be shackled by their irresponsible spending.
But most importantly, this is Memorial Day weekend. Take time to say a prayer of thanksgiving for the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can have the freedom we have here in America. Despite the foolishness going on in Washington, this is still the best country to live in on earth. God has truly blessed us in many ways, so take time to thank God as well.
God's blessings and have a great Memorial Day!
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Living Dead? It's More Than Just a Movie!
Yes, dead people vote in Chicago, and sometimes they vote over and over and over again. But the latest in Nobamanomics is that dead people are receiving Stimulus checks. Yes, you heard me correctly. The dead are receiving checks and YOU'RE paying for them. Maybe the instant influx of "wealth" is what will stimulate them back to life? Hmmm. I don't think so, but you can read about it here.
Where's the oversight? Where's the accountability? Where's the common sense in Washington?! Aren't these the same people who don't know where $350 BILLION from TARP 1 disappeared to? Aren't these the same people who are running Social Security and Medicade into the ground? Aren't these the same people who bail out auto companies and banks only to have to bail them out again and again because their initial calculations were off a little bit? "Oh, there's no way to know how much they need!" Yeah, right! Why not get it right BEFORE you spend our money. Better yet, why doesn't the Government just let us have our own money to do with what we think is best?
This is America. Americans know how to spend their hard earned dollars in the best interest of their families and for those in need. We're a giving nation, more so than any other nation in world. So, rather than paying dead people, why doesn't the Govt. simply stop this non-sense? It takes common sense. That's not a commodity in huge supply in Washington these days. But you, the American Citizen, - you still have common sense. Contact your representatives in Washington. Remind them that they work for YOU. They're accountable to US, and not the other way around. Click here to find out who your Congressional Represtatives are, and then write them and call them. Let your voice be heard. After all, if they're listening to dead people, then they should hear us LOUD AND CLEAR!
God's blessings and have a great day!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
California, Wake Up & Smell the Oil!
They also seem to have quite a fruity political makeup, which seems to me to be a HUGE part of their financial demise. This morning I read that Gov. Schwarzenegger is looking to sell some property in order to deal with the state's massive deficit (See Santa Cruz Sentinel). San Quentin will be up for grabs as well as the Los Angeles Collessium. Why sell these for a temporary fix to a massive deficit when this state, filled with resources, also has a ton of oil right off the coast? Imagine drilling just a few miles off shore tapping into a resource that could solve California's financial struggle while at the same time the "collective whole" of the USA would benefit. Imagine lower gas prices at $1.50 or less! Imagine California strengthening its financial base. Imagine lower gas prices nationwide, which would lower prices on luxury consumer goods such as food and clothing. Imagine all that and more.
DRILL HERE AND DRILL NOW! That's the wake up call. I'm all for the environment, but there's also a balance that needs to be weighed with human need - responsibility to the people of the USA - and the minimal risk to the environment. American ingenuity has made us the greatest nation in history. We have the technology and skill to make offshore drilling, which is already safe, even safer. However, the government must get out of the way.
It's just common sense that California should drill in order to make that state stronger and less dependent on the federal government, to help out Californians, and to help out America as a whole. Common sense! Californians, tell your representatives that you want them to use common sense. I know that you have some real nuts in office; Boxer, Pelosi & Feinstien to mention a few. Remember, elected officials work for US. We need to remind them of that fact. Give them a call. Write them a letter. Click here to find out the names of your US Senators and Representatives.
It's just common sense. Let your voice be heard.
God's blessings and have a great day!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Health Care by Taxing All the Goodies!
But I thought that Nobama was going to do things differently in the Obamanation? He promised - promised unequivocaly - that he wasn't going to raise taxes on the little people who live in the Obamanation. And yet, statistically a higher percentage of lower income people smoke than do those in the higher income. Hmmm. Sounds like a tax increase on lower income people to me, doesn't it?
Now they want to keep that "no tax increase on the lower income people" tax increase going by once again increasing taxes on the "little people" & "the big bad high income earners." To pay for the "free health care" our leaders are targeting beer & cigs once again (go figure). But now they want to add into the mix soda and chips. That's going to make going to the ball park more expensive, and tailgating at Packer and Brewer games (or whatever your favorite home team is). And what about the SuperBowl parties? Are we going to have to charge our friends so that we can afford to have that free health care?
And if THAT weren't enough, another aspect of paying for the Govt's Free Health Care is to TAX the health care benefits employees receive from their employers! What an incentive for people to keep their private insurance - tax it so that the rest of the country can get theirs "free" (which is NEVER free). Check out POLITICO's article: Smokers, Drinkers Carry Tax. Folks, it's common sense; there's no such thing as a free lunch - or "Free Health Care"!
But I still believe in the American way, and I still am optimistic because of the American Spirit. Contact your senators and congressmen. Keep calling them and writing them. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! Remember, THEY WORK FOR YOU! That's just common sense and that's the American Way.
God's blessings and have an awesome day!